Flemish Giants
Varieties: Black, Blue,
Fawn, Light Gray, Sandy, Steel Gray, White
6 Class Breed
Senior Weights: Bucks: 13 lbs. or over Does:
14 lbs. or over
General Description: As the name "giant" implies, they should be as large as possible, have powerful,
massive build, but must be properly proportioned and well balanced throughout. In checking up the points and the valuation
of same we find them well and evenly distributed. The sandy variety is the most popular but all the colors have their boosters.
This breed has always been popular in the pet market, and is one of the oldest domestic breeds. It is as docile as it is large,
they are a very sweet and loving breed. Their history is unknown as no one knows when they appeared, or who started the breed.
Rabbit Care
Housing: rabbits can be kept,
indoors or outdoors (with proper protection from wind and weather.) There are many places you can purchase all wire cages
or hutches, or you can build your own. You will need to decide the design and ultimate size of the cage but the minimum size
of cage your breed should be in is: Dwarf Rabbit: 12" x 24" Small Rabbit: 24" x 24" Medium breed or small breed
with a litter: 24" x 36" Large Breed: 30" x 36" Giant Breed: 36" x 36" Remember these are the minimum sizes, and
any does you plan on breeding should be kept in larger cages. Sometimes it is better to keep Giant breeds in a cage with solid
floors, but solid floors can promote diseases if not cleaned frequently.
Handling: Rabbits should never be picked
up by the ears or the "scruff." Pick the rabbit with one hand, under the rib cage, just behind the front legs, bring the rabbit
to your chest and use your other arm to support the hind legs, sometimes it helps to cover their eyes when walking.
A rabbits digestive system is very easily upset, they should receive pellets along with straw and fresh fruits/vegetables.
The feed should contain less than 5% fat and at least 16% protein and fiber. Does that are pregnant and nursing should have
food available at all times, Weaned juniors should have food available all the time too. All other adult rabbits should have
food limited to reduce the chances of obesity. Dwarf Breeds: 2-4 ounces Small Breeds: 4 ounces Medium/Large Breeds:
4-6 ounces Giant Breeds: 6-8 ounces
Water: All rabbits should have an unlimited source of fresh clean water
all day.
Breeding: All rabbits that you do not plan on showing or breeding should be spayed or neutered to prevent
cancer. The breeding age for a rabbit is 6 months for small breeds, 8 months for large breeds. But all breeds become sexually
mature at 4 months, sometimes as early as 3 months. When breeding take the Doe to the bucks cage. They will chase eachother
around and this is okay. If successfully mated the Buck will fall off the doe or grunt and scream. The gestation period of
a rabbit is 28-32 days. The nest box should be put in the cage on the 27th day. The kits will open their eyes around the 14th
day. Wean the kits no later than two months after they are born. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~